For many, “Where will I go this year”, is a big question to ask. But, if you’re the one ready to start asking, “Where will I lead others this month”, then we want you to blog for map – A Travel Lifestyle Magazine.
The truth is a lot of people have thought about places they’d like to visit and things they’d like to do. Aaaand — they’ve considered lots of details like how much it’ll cost, when they want to go, how much time they can take, what they want to see and eat, how they’ll get there, what all they need to take and much more. Then after that, they start to consider once again, NOW how much it’ll cost! Travel can take a huge amount of thinking and planning if you want your dreams to take flight.
But there are honestly some more important things to consider. Things like finding the power of purpose in your go, mapping a route and crafting an agenda that puts God in the drivers seat, and the literal, mental, and spiritual packing you need to do to have an impact. When we don’t think about these things our dreamiest travel plans can leave amazing opportunities grounded. We wander among all the must-see sites, but never set our sites on divine outcomes that are right in front of us. Our itineraries are full leaving us no time to visit the moment and talk with someone who God wants us to get to know.
You know what we’re talking about because you’ve discovered that no matter where you go, God has already gone before you and prepared a path for you that led to a place that is no where on earth you’ve ever been to before.

When you put that into words, pictures and even video you’ve got a blog in map – A Travel Lifestyle Magazine that will move hearts. Our readers want more than a getaway they want to get a way of life – a travel lifestyle that truly delivers rapid rewards that will transform how they go for good.
CONTACT US to explore joining our team. Let us share with you details about being a blog contributor. Get on your way to going where God is.