It’s late and the airport terminal is surprisingly quite even though it’s packed with others passing in the night and waiting at the gate with you hoping this flight will be the one, still hours from the posted morning departure time, that won’t be canceled like so many others have been.
Could you have chartered a private flight? You tried to find a non-stop route. Even an upgrade to first class and paying extra for the airline’s club lobby at the terminal wouldn’t help now.

These are all things you might do to try and avoid delays and cancellations when you travel or at least make yourself more comfortable when you have to put up with them. But honestly, most of us won’t and even if you did there aren’t any guarantees in today’s travel climate. Instead, since delays and cancellations will likely be a part of your future travels, we have some ways you can “pack ahead” so that you won’t have to just deal with it but instead you can BE LIFE, the life of Christ to others – when you travel.

When those delays and cancellations happen, remove your headphones or earbuds and get your nose out of your phone, social media, emails, etc. It’ll all be there later.
There’s a great website and ministry called Desiring God. In it, Pastor John Piper and his team say, “You were created for something greater than yourself. You were made to know glory – God’s glory.” They call this truth Christian Hedonism, which means that, “God’s ultimate goal in the world (his glory) and our deepest desire (to be happy) are one and the same.”
But do we? Do we desire God in our travels OR do we desire distraction? When our travel is delayed or canceled, it’s easy to say, “Thank God, at least I have my phone”, but the unfortunate reality is that our world has become a colder, more isolated, self-centered place especially when were together, because we desire the distraction. So, one of the first principles the traveler (who wants Christ to be central to their travels) must embrace is resist distraction and be more focused.
According to a National Traffic Safety Administration report, phone use and distracted driving accounts for 12% of car accidents in the U.S. Now consider this: Phone use when your travel has been delayed or canceled is the reason you WILL miss opportunities to be used of God and be life to others. That’s NOT an accident.
When you’re in the airport, train or bus station, the travel plaza or other public travel space dealing with a delay, cancellation or maybe, ideally your itinerary is going perfect, don’t default to let the device or anything else distract you.
Maybe you’re on the highway stuck in a 15 mile traffic stoppage (black highway in your map traffic view) where everyone has turned off their cars because nobody is going anywhere for the foreseeable future. Wherever you are, the pain of the delay is very real – not just for you but for everyone else. You can either say, “I hate being in this god-forsaken place” OR you can have a heart change and realize that in fact God is right there, ready to minister to others – through you!
You can really do a lot! And we don’t mean doing other “more Christian” distractions, we mean being useful for God’s purpose right there in the moment.

Start by having a heart to be God’s presence. That means bringing God’s spirit of peace, praise, compassion, wisdom, joy and all the qualities that are the core nature of God. When there are delays and cancellations, let’s be honest, you’re in a spiritual battleground. It’s more than you or anyone can handle. The only effective and most powerful way to not just survive but influence others is to have the attitude and mindset of Christ.
Be useful for God’s purpose with those traveling with you; a spouse, family member, co-worker, friend or whoever your fellow traveler is. They need to have the mind of Christ too. That’ll more likely happen when together you both venture into some rich God-focused conversation or at least some relationship-strengthening good times.
If you don’t think others around you aren’t looking to you and others for clues as to how to better get through a delay or cancellation, think again! So, offer someone a kind smile. Be gentle and give a soft (not brash) response. Speak life into her or him. AND if that leads to (God opens the door for) a moment of conversation enter into it with a humble, thankful and attentive mindset. God’s more than able to use you in the moment – even (especially) if you don’t think you know what to do next. AND one more thing, be open to God’s spirit to offer the, “May I take a moment to pray with you?” line.

Here are 3 ways you can “pack ahead” for the expected unexpected:
1. WEBSITES: Have in mind some Christ-centered websites that you can recommend to someone when you are able to identify an interest they have. For example, if they are really into travel, point them to map – A Travel Lifestyle Magazine.We also have magazines for those interested in fitness, gardening and outdoor interests. But, you can find and bookmark other websites that you can recommend. Make it easy! In the photos of your phone you can save QR codes for these websites so they can simply scan it with their phone and immediately load the site. Our magazine graphics are designed with these QR codes. This is a simple way to give anyone a distraction option that will minister to their spirit.
2. BOOKS: Much like sharing a website you can have a spare paperback book or 2 packed in your carry-on bag. You’ll find that some of the best reading is already packaged into “travel sized” booklets. Their small, light weight and easy to tuck away when travel resumes. Buy some in advance and write a friendly handwritten note on the inside of the front cover.
3. A CARD PLAYED: As mentioned earlier, when people are stranded, even though they may have their attention in their phone they are also looking around and being observant. So, pack a deck of cards or a small travel sized game like Mancala or various magnet board games. Start solitaire style and keep an eye open for a playing partner. This is a good way to simply be friendly and it can lead to conversations that can easy and relax your fellow traveler and perhaps, as God leads, into even more thoughtful and meaningful discussions. True, you’re not the airport chaplain but to the weary, stressed or simply curious traveler you words can minister in ways you can’t imagine.

Yes, we think so. We know God’s giving you a customized map to get to new destinations in traveling with others who experience delays and cancellations. So, use the COMMENT space below and share how you navigated the tough times and found routes with others to peace, patience and God’s grace. Count it all joy when you can be life to others when you travel.