All photos and stock video footage in this article are copyright by T. Martin Bennett, used by permission.
Today you can journey to Japan to experience the sites, culture, people and food like you’d do any other international travel. But, when you study relatively recent history (the World War 2 era of the 1940’s), they were bombing us, we were bombing them [the featured photo above is of The Hiroshima Peace Memorial (広島平和記念碑, Hiroshima Heiwa Kinenhi)] – – – we were bitter enemies.
What you may not know is that a man by the name of Mitsuo Fuchida, who led the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor ultimately had a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and spent years in the United States doing Christian ministry. It’s a story of not only God’s forgiveness but of how God can redeem life and bring about His goodness. This story comes to life in T. Martin Bennett’s book, Wounded Tiger.
Watch this video conversation recorded especially for you and other readers of map – A Travel Lifestyle Magazine.
The book is an engaging read. Even though it is a thick book with hundreds of pages, T. Martin Bennett shares that many people have told him that once they started reading it they kept going all the way to the end.
However for those who may not be as inclined to read, feel they don’t have the time or simply enjoy listening to a book there is now an audiobook version that you can get. Take a listen to the 3 excerpts below all in one sample recording:

You can get the audiobook from Dynamis Books.
Journey to Japan and you’ll find a beautiful nation with many natural and cultural sites. This gallery features photos by T. Martin Bennett highlighting some of the places he experienced during his travels to do research for his book Wounded Tiger. Your travels to Japan can be a time to connect with people, fellowship, learn, grow in God and BE LIFE to others.

Your future travel plans could take you to Japan or some other international, national, regional or local destination. Wherever it will be you’re likely asking the question, “What’s next?”
- How much money will I need?
- What should I do?
- What do I need to consider for safety, enjoyment and purpose?
The questions swirling in your mind are many. As a traveler you want your next trip to hit all the goals and expectations. When you start to pray, seek God, and ultimately commit to accomplishing God’s goals and expectations – THEN you start to discover that God can orchestrate “WHAT’S NEXT!” in a beautiful and profound way – beyond what you could ever craft yourself.
You’ll not only be amazed but humbled to realize how God can use you and transform a trip into the next part of your life story that you could never have imagined – one of lasting value and eternal significance. Wherever you go, let your actions, thoughts, words and all of your life celebrate that you go where God is!